Scam artists frequently target businesses with fake bills or invoices, hoping to trick them into paying for goods or services they did not order, need or want. These invoices appear real and often include threatening or confusing language to pressure recipients to make quick payments.
Recently, a customer of ours received such a bill via fax from, claiming an amount due of $98.57 for “SEO/Link Building.” At first glance, the invoice looks legitimate…except our customer has never worked with a business called Web Envy Solutions. They reached out to us with questions about the bill.
We suspected the invoice was fake immediately, but called the customer service number provided to verify the billing. The phone number was not in service. There is a live web site, but our research shows the domain name was purchased a couple weeks ago on March 7, 2021. Even worse? The site design and content is an almost exact duplicate of a web design template readily available for purchase online. Even the demo employee names were left in this fraudulent website!
We let our customer know this was a fraud attempt.
Sending fake invoices is just one more way scammers are trying to get some of your hard earned money without providing any product or service. Always check with your web services provider if you’re unsure about a bill or invoice for web-related goods.
We will never cause a third party to bill you for anything related to your website without your permission and we do not have a relationship with Web Envy Solutions. If you’re our Customer and receive these messages, reach out and let us know if we can help.