Updated WordPress website design for online orders fulfilled via third party. Services include Gravity Forms integration for Guest Blog posts, online ordering and questions/comments, plus website design, WordPress hosting, custom child theme, content and SEO assistance.
Site was originally designed and hosted in 2019, then redirected to Customer’s other site, jewelersalloy.com. In 2023, it was redesigned and brought back online.
From the Customer:
“There are a lot of big companies looking to do your website. What they are missing is the real human being to walk you across each unfamiliar bridge between you and your best possible web presence. Lisa is that person for me for years now, through a couple employers and countless projects, some highly complex. When I get hired as a marketing person I bring Lisa with me to give the best to my customers or employers. You can contact me for a personal reference if you like… danielgballard@gmail.com”